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Libros y Articulos relacionados con: Tecnología y Calidad , Cartulinas
1. Un estucado ecológico y de bajo coste para cartoncilloCargill está mejorando el estucado del cartoncillo introduciendo un biopolímero hecho a partir de materiales renovables, ahorrando costos, mejorando calidad y maquinabilidad. Los más altos sólidos obtenidos con este producto, llamado "C*iCoatR", permiten una mejor cobertura, así como una mejora de las propiedades ópticas y una reducción de la migración de ligante. Además C*iCoatR tiene una mejor resistencia a la contaminación microbiológica que el almidón cocido en las formulaciones de estucado y mantiene las características del cartoncillo, otro elemento importante en la producción del cartón.El Papel
Nº: 171
Fecha: Febrero 2013
2. C*iCoat, una soluzione verde e conveniente (News)C*iCoat è adatto per la produzione di SBS (Solid Bleached Board), SBB (Soft Bleach Board), FBB (Folding Box Board), WLC (White Lined Chipboard), e CUK (Coated Unbleached Kraftboard).Industria della carta
Nº: 5104
Fecha: Septiembre 2013
3. Flexographic ink-coating interactions: effects of latex variations in coating layers The effect of coating structure variations on flexographic print quality was studied using pilot-coated paperboard samples with different latex content and latex particles sizes. Two latexes, with particle sizes of 120 nm and 160 nm, were added at either 12 parts per hundred (pph) or 18 pph to the coating formulation. The samples were printed with full tone areas at print forces of 25 N and 50 N in a laboratory flexographic printing press using a waterbased ink. A high ratio of uncovered areas (UCAs) could be detected for the samples that contained 18 pph latex printed at a print force of 25 N. UCAs decreased with increased print force and with decreased amounts of latex in the coating formulation. The fraction of latex covered area on the coating surface was estimated to be 0.35-0.40 for the 12 pph, and 0.70-0.75 for the 18 pph samples. The ink penetration depth into the coating layer could be linked to the fraction of latex-free areas on the coating surface. Optical cross section microscopy indicated that a hgiher printing force did not increase the depth of penetrated ink to any greater extent. Higher printing force did increase contact between plate and substrate, leading to an improved distribution of the ink. This, in turn, increased print density and decreased UCAs. On closer inspection, the UCAs could be categorized as being induced by steep topographic changes. When appearing at other locations, they were more likely to be caused by poor wetting of the surface. To understand the wetting behavior of the coating surface, observed contact angles were compared with calculated contact angles on surfaces of mixed composition. Tappi Journal
Nº: 1504
Fecha: Abril 2016
4. Discrete element method to predict coating failure mechanismsThe mechanical properties of coating layers are critical for post-application processes such as calendering, printing, and folding. Discrete element methods (DEM) have been used to simulate basic deformations such as tensile and compression, but have not been used as a tool to predict cracking-at-the-fold (CAF) or picking. DEM has the potential to increase our understanding of these failure mechanisms at the particle level. We propose a method to model the three-point bending of a coating layer and also the out-of-plane picking event during printing (using a z-direction scenario and an approach involving a moving force/velocity). Properties of the binder and the binder concentration are input parameters for the simulation. The model predicts the crack formation of the layer, the flexural modulus, and the maximum flexural strain during bending. The model also predicts the forces required for picking to occur. Results are compared with those of complimentary studies. Tappi Journal
Nº: 1701
Fecha: Enero 2018
6. Nuevos controles para los envases en contacto con alimentos En enero pasado, se incorporó el reglamento del Mercosur a la normativa de envases en contacto con alimentos bajo la Resolución Conjunta 01/2019. La revista del corrugado entrevistó a Fabián Delorenzi, responsable del laboratorio del Centro de celulosa y papel del INTI, quien participó en la elaboración del documento. La revista del corrugado
Nº: 832
Fecha: Junio 2019